Trustee Q&A with Paul Chorlton

In the third of a series of Trustee Q&A blogs, we speak to Paul Chorlton, who is a long-serving trustee of The Charity Service.

Can you tell us about your background and professional career?

In my role as the Chief Operating Officer at LOVE., I am focused on leading the financial and operational management of an internationally renowned creative agency.

What initially interested you in becoming a trustee?

I have been an organiser of The Manchester Ball for many years. This annual event has raised over £716,000 for local charities since 1988. Through my involvement with this event, I learnt a lot about the work of local charities, which might otherwise have escaped my notice when busy doing the ‘day job’. I was keen to continue to give back as much time as I could to the charitable sector.

Why did you choose to join The Charity Service?

I discovered The Charity Service when applying for a grant for another project I was helping with. At the time, I met the then Chief Executive of The Charity Service to run through the grant application. Through that chance encounter, I saw how the work of The Charity Service has a positive impact on charities.

What do you enjoy most about being a trustee at The Charity Service?

I am a member of the Grants Committee, which advises on grant making when there is no surviving donor or nominated advisor for a fund. I enjoy reading about the work of charities and the personal stories of people that have benefitted. It is also a very grounding experience. I feel lucky that we can be a small part of helping so many people.

What are The Charity Service’s key strengths?

The Charity Service has a wonderfully dedicated team, which makes the role of a trustee quite simple. As trustees we provide our support when needed. There is a great depth of knowledge within the executive team and the Trustee board, and we are all willing to give our time, so we can be very quick and responsive.

Where would you like to see The Charity Service in five years’ time?

We are constantly developing and refining our core offering, but I think we have a great deal of strength within fund management and grant giving. I would like us to become more widely known and our services to be used by more donors.

What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a Trustee?

Dive in. It’s a hugely rewarding vocation and I cherish my time at The Charity Service. Take the time to read about the work that charities do. As a team, we are making a substantial difference to the lives of so many people. Help us to help more!

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